Now accepting Telehealth appointments. Schedule a virtual visit.

Practice Updates


We are pleased to announce that we will be continuing our contractual relationship with Premera and maintaining our in-network status. Any correspondence indicating our change of network status may be disregarded.









March 2020

Doug Vermillion, MD from the Orthopaedic Research Clinic of Alaska will be treating patients in Fairbanks out of our office. A board certified orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Vermillion is the leading expert in cartilage restoration procedures in Alaska and specializes in the SwiftPath joint replacement method.

Appointments with Dr. Vermillion for Dr. Tamai's current patients can be scheduled directly through Orthopaedic Surgical Associates by calling 907-374-4463.


Starting August 2020, our practice will be conducting COVID-19 screening digitally via text, prior to all appointments.


Orthopaedic Surgical Associates, LLC
1275 Sadler Way, STE 101A
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Phone: 206-258-7776
Fax: 907-374-7072

Office Hours

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